Resending an email to non-openers can be an effective strategy to improve your email campaign’s open rates, but timing is crucial to maximize its impact. The best time to resend an email to non-openers varies depending on your specific audience and the nature of your email content. Here are some guidelines to help you determine the optimal timing:

  1. Wait at Least 48 Hours: Give non-openers some time to check their inboxes. It’s generally recommended to wait at least 48 hours (two days) after the initial send before resending the email. This provides recipients with sufficient time to engage with the email at their own pace.
  2. Try Different Days and Times: When resending, consider sending on a different day and at a different time than the original email. Non-openers may have different email-checking habits, and by varying the timing, you increase the chances of reaching them when they are more likely to open.
  3. Use A/B Testing: Conduct A/B tests to identify the optimal timing for resending. Split your non-openers into different groups and send the same email at various times and on different days. Analyze the results to determine which timing works best for your audience.
  4. Consider Time Zones: If your email list spans different time zones, segment your non-openers based on their time zone and resend at a time that aligns with their local hours. This ensures that the email arrives when they are more likely to check their inbox.
  5. Avoid Peak Email Times: Steer clear of peak email times, such as Monday mornings when inboxes are often crowded with new messages. Non-openers may be more receptive during off-peak times.
  6. Early Morning or Late Evening: Some studies suggest that early morning or late evening sends can be effective for resending to non-openers. Try sending at times when subscribers may have more leisure to check their emails.
  7. Incorporate a Reminder: In the subject line or email content, consider including a friendly reminder that the email is a resend. For example, you can use “Reminder” or “Missed This?” to signal that it’s a follow-up to the original message.
  8. Frequency Cap: Be mindful of how often you resend emails to non-openers. Sending too frequently can be perceived as spammy. Set a reasonable frequency cap to avoid overwhelming recipients.
  9. Content Relevance: Ensure that the content of the email is still relevant when you resend it. If the content or offer is time-sensitive, adjust the messaging accordingly.
  10. Track and Analyze: Monitor the performance of your resend campaigns. Track open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates to identify the timing that generates the best results for your audience.
  11. Optimize Over Time: Email marketing is an ongoing process. Continuously optimize your resend strategy based on the results and feedback from your audience.
  12. Segmentation: Consider segmenting your non-openers based on factors such as engagement history or demographics. Tailor the resend strategy to each segment for more personalized timing.

Ultimately, the best time to resend an email to non-openers is a result of testing, data analysis, and a deep understanding of your audience’s email-checking habits. By experimenting with different timings and monitoring performance, you can fine-tune your resend strategy to achieve the best results and increase engagement from non-openers.

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