To detect SEO spam on your website, you can use various tools and services that specialize in website security and monitoring. Here are some commonly used tools:

  1. Google Search Console:
    • Google Search Console is a free tool provided by Google that allows you to monitor your website’s presence in Google Search results. It can provide alerts for security issues, manual actions, and indexing problems.
  2. Sucuri SiteCheck:
    • Sucuri is a web security platform that offers a free SiteCheck tool. It scans your website for malware, blacklisting, and other security issues. The tool provides a report with detailed information about any detected problems.
  3. Wordfence:
    • Wordfence is a WordPress security plugin that includes a malware scanner. It scans your WordPress files, themes, and plugins for malicious code and helps you identify and clean up any security threats.
  4. SiteLock:
    • SiteLock is a website security solution that provides a range of services, including malware scanning, vulnerability detection, and automatic removal of malware. It’s suitable for various website platforms.
  5. Ahrefs:
    • Ahrefs is primarily known as a backlink analysis tool, but it also has features for site audit. It can help you identify SEO issues, including spammy links and potential security concerns.
  6. Moz Pro:
    • Moz Pro offers a suite of SEO tools, including site audits that can help identify potential issues affecting your website’s SEO. It provides insights into crawlability, duplicate content, and other SEO-related factors.
  7. Google Analytics:
    • Regularly reviewing your website analytics can help you identify unusual patterns in traffic, which may be indicative of SEO spam or other security issues.
  8. Google PageSpeed Insights:
    • Google’s PageSpeed Insights not only evaluates your website’s performance but can also highlight issues that might be affecting your site’s SEO. It provides suggestions for improvement.
  9. UpGuard:
    • UpGuard is a cybersecurity platform that offers website security ratings. It can scan your website for vulnerabilities and provide a security score based on various factors.
  10. Security Plugins for Content Management Systems (CMS):
    • If you’re using a CMS like WordPress, consider using security plugins such as Wordfence, Sucuri Security, or iThemes Security. These plugins often include features for scanning and removing malware.

Remember that using a combination of these tools can provide more comprehensive insights into the security and SEO health of your website. Regularly monitoring your site and promptly addressing any issues can help maintain a secure and optimized online presence.

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