Manually inspecting the code of affected pages for the Japanese keyword hack involves looking through your website’s HTML, JavaScript, and PHP files to identify and remove any injected or malicious code. Here are the steps you can take:

  1. Access Your Website Files:
    • Use FTP (File Transfer Protocol) or a file manager provided by your hosting control panel to access your website’s files. You may also use a code editor with built-in FTP capabilities.
  2. Backup Your Files:
    • Before making any changes, create a backup of your website files. This ensures that you can restore your site if anything goes wrong during the cleanup process.
  3. Inspect HTML Files:
    • Open the HTML files of your website in a text editor or code editor. Look for any unfamiliar or suspicious code, especially in the head and body sections of your pages.
    • Pay attention to meta tags, script tags, and any injected content that may include Japanese keywords or links.
  4. Check JavaScript Files:
    • Inspect your JavaScript files for any malicious code. Look for functions or scripts that don’t belong to your website’s original code.
    • Pay attention to functions that manipulate the DOM (Document Object Model) or make unexpected requests to external domains.
  5. Examine PHP Files:
    • If your website is built using PHP, check your PHP files for any unauthorized code. Look for functions that echo or print content to the screen, as attackers may inject keywords using these functions.
    • Check for files that have been recently modified or created without your knowledge.
  6. Search for Japanese Keywords:
    • Specifically search for Japanese keywords or phrases that may have been injected into your content. Use the search function in your code editor to locate instances of these keywords.
  7. Review .htaccess and Other Configuration Files:
    • Check your .htaccess file and other configuration files for any suspicious directives or rules that may be redirecting traffic or facilitating the hack.
  8. Look for Unusual Files:
    • Inspect your website directories for any files that don’t belong to your website’s core structure. Attackers often create files with names that mimic legitimate files but contain malicious code.
  9. Compare with Original Code:
    • If you have a clean and trusted version of your website’s code, compare the current code with the original. This can help you identify differences and pinpoint areas where the hack may have occurred.
  10. Remove or Quarantine Malicious Code:
    • Once you identify malicious code, remove it or quarantine it by commenting it out. Be cautious not to accidentally remove legitimate code.
    • If you’re uncertain about a particular section of code, seek professional assistance to avoid unintentional damage to your website.
  11. Test Changes Locally:
    • After making changes, test your website locally or on a staging environment to ensure that the cleanup did not introduce new issues.
  12. Update Passwords and Security Measures:
    • After cleaning up the code, update all relevant passwords, including those for your CMS, hosting, and databases. Implement additional security measures to prevent future incidents.
  13. Monitor for Suspicious Activity:
    • Keep an eye on your website for any signs of recurring suspicious activity. Set up security alerts to receive notifications about potential threats.

If you’re not comfortable with manual code inspection, consider seeking assistance from a professional web developer or a security expert to ensure a thorough and accurate cleanup process.

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