The resolution of typical stock photos can vary, but many stock photo platforms provide high-resolution images suitable for a range of purposes. Here are some common resolutions associated with stock photos:

  1. Web Resolution:
    • For images intended for web use, the resolution is often measured in pixels (e.g., 1920 x 1080 pixels). Web resolution is suitable for online platforms, social media, and websites. Common web resolutions include 800 x 600, 1024 x 768, and 1920 x 1080 pixels.
  2. Print Resolution:
    • For images intended for print materials, the resolution is measured in dots per inch (dpi). A standard print resolution is 300 dpi. The dimensions in inches and centimeters will depend on the specific size and layout of the printed material.
  3. High-Resolution Images:
    • High-resolution images, regardless of their use (web or print), typically have a higher pixel count or dpi. These images provide more detail and clarity, making them suitable for large-format printing or applications where a higher level of detail is required.
  4. Megapixels:
    • Some stock photo platforms may specify the resolution in megapixels (MP). A higher megapixel count generally indicates a higher resolution image. For example, an image with a resolution of 6000 x 4000 pixels is equivalent to 24 megapixels.
  5. Vectors and Illustrations:
    • Vector graphics and illustrations are resolution-independent and can be scaled to any size without a loss of quality. These are suitable for a variety of projects, including print and web.

It’s important to choose the resolution based on the intended use of the image. For example, if you’re creating a presentation for the web, a standard web resolution may suffice. However, for high-quality prints or large-format designs, you’ll want to use high-resolution images.

When browsing stock photo platforms, you can often find information about the resolution of each image in the image details or specifications. Always check the resolution to ensure that it meets the requirements of your specific project.

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